Green FabLab

Our University creative center FabLab already had green principles of creative functioning embedded in its DNA. FabLab was created by the revitalization of unused premises of the A. Dubček University of Trenčín in the university campus in Záblatie. Even the name of the street where FabLab is located – “Ku kyselke” – has a green character embedded in it.

When building the FabLab, the revitalization of the older premises and not the construction of a new area was key. The revitalization took the form of reviving a separate campus with a new purpose of use for shared FabLab-type craft workshops, the focus of which is complementary to other parts of the university and is unique.

During the revitalization of the outdoor spaces, we removed old environmental burdens. Game elements for sports, relaxation and creative work will be placed in the newly built exterior. The territory was reclaimed by planting new greenery and a system was built to retain water from the roofs in the landscape. When planning the technological equipment of the FabLab, attention was paid to energy efficiency and technology. They cover the entire portfolio of creative work, including green technologies.

To improve the accessibility and connectivity of university buildings and to improve the mobility of students, employees and FabLab members within the city of Trenčín, we operate a shared electric mobility system. It is primarily powered by solar energy.

We also want to apply green principles and elements of sustainability and circular economy in the operation of the FabLab and activities to support creative potential in the Trenčín region. Among other things, the creation will be focused on the reuse of recycled materials in creative creation. Attention will also be paid to the prototyping of smart green technologies.

Our way is creative and green. Walk along it with us.